
Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future



The Science of Music

Music & Health
Natural Responsibility
Society’s Responsibility
Music as Stress
Medical Jugdements

A natural Appreciation
for Music

Harmonious and disharmonious Music

Harmony and Disharmony

The Microcosm of Music

The Future of Music

The Future of the Orchestra

Medical Music Preparations on CD


The Sociology of Music

The so­ci­ol­ogy of mu­sic is con­cerned with the con­ge­nial re­la­tions of the over­tones of a tone, as well as with the re­la­tions of the mo­tifs among each other, the melo­dies among each other, and the se­quences among each other.
But it is also con­cerned with the con­ge­nial re­la­tions be­tween the over­tones, the mo­tifs, and the se­quences.

The Realistic, Sociological Field of Describing Music
In this con­text, the so­ci­ol­ogy of mu­sic not only cor­re­sponds to the sys­tem of the in­ner-hu­man, but also to the outer hu­man so­cial re­la­tions, which it de­scribes re­al­is­ti­cally by means of the men­tioned pa­rame­ters.

How far such a de­scrip­tion of the so­ci­ol­ogy of mu­sic can go on the sur­face is dem­on­strated by the hi­er­ar­chic struc­ture of clas­si­cal mu­sic, and on to the dic­ta­tor­ship of the masses in twelve-tone mu­sic, where all the tones of the scale and their pa­rame­ters (pitch, du­ra­tion, am­pli­tude, etc.) have the same value, and in the tech­nique of serial com­pos­ing – the per­fec­tioned twelve-tone mu­sic – in which all these pa­rame­ters are ap­plied like pat­terns ma­nipu­lated by arith­me­tic op­era­tions.

The Original Sociology of Music
Based in the field of in­ner hear­ing, but also in the physi­ol­ogy of the outer mu­si­cal in­stru­ments there exist fixed na­ture-given or­ders of sound-spaces, which – when sys­tem­ati­cally ex­plored – let con­clude a na­ture-given so­ci­ol­ogy of mu­sic, as they ex­press them­selves in fixed re­la­tions of the tones among them­selves, but also of sound-spaces among them­selves.

These natu­ral, so­cio­logi­cal or­ders of the over­tone-spec­trum are ap­plied by the great mu­si­cal art­ists in the mac­ro­cosm of their mu­sic – in the outer struc­ture of their com­po­si­tions – where they can eas­ily be traced and iden­ti­fied by way of analy­sis.

Applied Sociological Orders in the Musical Microcosm
In this con­text it should be noted that an outer de­via­tion from the na­ture-given in­ner or­der of mu­sic cre­ates the im­pres­sion of dis­so­nance within the lis­tener; a phe­nome­non that in­di­cates a rift be­tween the mac­ro­cosm and the mi­cro­cosm of mu­sic, and which ap­pears each time the logic of the mac­ro­cosm has de­vi­ated from the logic of the mi­cro­cosm.

The Phenomenon of Dissonance
The fact that we rec­og­nize a dis­so­nance so di­rectly con­firms that in our men­tal fac­ulty of per­cep­tion there al­ready exists an aware­ness of har­mony be­ing the or­ga­niz­ing prin­ci­ple in mu­sic, and that we have at our dis­posal a built-in, mu­si­cal men­tal-spiri­tual ca­pa­bil­ity for per­ceiv­ing so­cio­logi­cal or­der.

The Natural Ability to Recognize Music-Sociological Orders