Absolute Love of Truth in Music
While conventional philosophy operating on the meaning of spoken or written words attempts in a rather indiscreet manner to guide man towards truth and even, while still on the way towards truth, continually tries hard to ensure that it speaks out truth alone, the classical composer on the path to comprehensive truth is not so much concerned with detail truth.
The Path of Knowledge and the Goal of Truth in the System of Scientific Philosophy
If necessary, he even employs a white lie to take the listener towards truth in the end.
The Path of Knowledge and the Goal of Truth in Music
To the classical music creator, the steps of knowledge are but a means to achieve complete conveyance of truth, and he attaches only as much importance to them as to an intricate way that leads to a great goal.
The Philosophical Standpoint of the Musical Creator
While the scientific system of philosophy like the other sciences, too permanently tries to prove truth even on the way towards it, the classical composer takes the seeking listener by the hand, leads him through obscure spaces, describes to him all kinds of imaginary shining objects in these spaces, and continues this process until the listener discovers these seemingly outer spaces and the objects described therein within himself, until his search for truth has thus found fulfilment.
The Adoration of Relative Truth in the System of the Scientific Philosophy
The Absolute Admiration of Truth in Music
Unlike the scientific system of philosophy and above all, unlike the other sciences particularly the natural sciences the true art of tones is not at all concerned with outer nature which it perceives essentially as a mere reflection of the inner-human nature.
The Scientific System of Philosophy under the Influence of the Natural Sciences
Therefore, it systematically refines the representation of the outer aspect of nature starting from objects in the musical tone-space through the sphere of subjectivity, thus guiding the unaware seeker of truth, the conscious music lover, into the world of his own free fulfilment of desires into the world of his having-reached-the-goal, into the world of his having-no-longer-to-seek, into the world of his truth, into his world of fulfilment.
Conveyance of Knowledge in Music on the Basis of Personal Knowledge of Truth