peter huebner • micro music laboratories
M E D I C A L   R E S O N A N C E   T H E R A P Y   M U S I C®
R E D U C T I O N   O F   P S Y C H O – P H Y S I O L O G I C A L   M A N I F E S T A T I O N S   O F   S T R E S S


Introduction to the University of the Future

Peter Hübner
Developer of the University of the Future




Research Fields in Detail


Reducing Anxiety

Release of Reactive Anxiety

Restless and Melancholy Emotional States

General Mental State

Calming of the Fetus

Reaction Precision

Psychomotoric Speed


Reducing Irritability

Reducing Cortisol

Regular and deep Relaxation

Normalisation of Mental Functions

Manifestations of Stress

Psychosomatic Status

Improved Mental State

Improved Mental State

Improved Mental State

Functional Brain Asymmetry

Functional Brain Asymmetry

Reducing Sleep Disorders

Manifestations of Stress

Anti-Oxidising Processes

Reducing Cortisol

Reducing Cortisol

Increased Strength

Haemodynamic Parameter

Menstruation Cycle

Improved Immune Status

Improving the Immune Status of Pregnant Women

Improving the Hormone Status of Pregnant Women

Abstinence from Tranquilizers


Improved Mental State in Women
after Vacuum Aspiration

Anxiety, irritation and unrest of many women in connection with the decision for a vacuum aspiration is very great – also the anxiety con­cern­ing the operation itself.

Due to the enormous mental stress the psycho-emotional profile of many women often docu­ments nearly psychopathic states. In such a state an effective release of stress and a psycho-emotional harmonization is helpful. By the help of the Minnesota Multiphasic Per­son­al­ity Inventory the investigation wanted to docu­ment in how far the Medical Resonance Ther­apy Music® could achieve this.

Under investigation were 32 women
in two groups
  1. an experimental group of 19 patients at the age of 20-37, who listened to Medi­cal Resonance Therapy Music® before, during and after the operation and did not receive any medication and

  2. a control group of 13 women who did not listen to MRT-Music® but were treated with spasmolytica and narcotics instead.

Medical Resonance Therapy Music® Group

After the treatment complete normalization of the mental functions was reestablished again in 22,2% of the women, in 44,4% a clear im­prove­ment could be documented, no change took place in 11,1% and 22,3% of the women experienced a certain degeneration.

Before the operation the state of two patients was near to an acute psychopathic and schizo­phre­nia-like state. After the treatment with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® nearly all disturbances disappeared. Already after one treatment with Medical Resonance Therapy Music® a normalization could be ob­served: de­pres­sive moods started to vanish, hysterical traits began to disappear and ag­gres­sion re­duced remarkably.

The degenerations concerned a growth in hy­po­chon­dria as well as the appearance of an auto-agressive tendency.
Control Group

In this group no woman experienced complete normalization, 23% experienced a certain im­prove­ment, in 15,45% no change occurred and in 61,55% a certain degeneration was registered.

Improvements concerned the schizophrenia-like symptoms, but much more often the de­gen­era­tion of these symptoms was registered.
More than half of the women in this group suf­fered from depression, sometimes in their cov­ered form.



Prof. Dr. med. W. Sidorenko
Dr. med. T. Teterkina
Dr. med. A. Fedulow
Dr. med. T. Sigalowa
Dr. med. S. Zarewa
Dr. med. Klepazkaja
Dr. med. A. Wassiljewa